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Clarity of vision, level 10 (Perception)

You can see invisible objects.

You focus your vision so clearly that you have a good chance of spotting invisible creatures, objects, and seeing hints in the environment around you as long as the clarity lasts. You also gain an automatic search check in the environment around you.

On success target get clear vision for 15 rounds.

Ability information

  • This ability costs 45 energy points to execute.
  • This ability has a preparing time of 0 seconds.
  • This ability has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
  • The target of this ability is yourself.

Abilities are linked to certain classes and can be used by both players and non-player characters (NPCs). To use most abilities, you must first learn them and sometimes invest points into them. Occasionally, you may come across special ability scrolls with a limited number of uses. These scrolls allow you to use the ability even if you have not learned it, but you can only use the ability a certain number of times before the scroll is depleted.

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