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MudGate Leveling up with equipment

Acquiring better gear

In general, as a character levels up in MudGate, they will have the opportunity to acquire stronger and more powerful equipment, including both weapons and armor. This equipment may have higher base stats, as well as additional abilities or enchantments that can enhance the character's abilities in combat.


As a character levels up in MudGate, their armor can also increase in quality and effectiveness. This increase in armor quality can be represented by an increase in the armor class (AC) of the armor.

At lower levels, a character's armor may have an AC of around 1–11, providing moderate protection against attacks. As the character levels up and gains access to better armor, the AC of their armor may increase to 12–19, providing more protection against attacks.

Once a character reaches eternal levels, they may have access to the highest quality armor available in the game, with an AC of 20. This armor would provide the maximum protection against attacks.

In addition to the increase in AC, the bonuses of the armor may also improve as the character levels up. These bonuses could include additional protection against certain types of damage, increased resistance to certain elements or conditions, or other special abilities or benefits.

Overall, as a character levels up in MudGate, their armor can become increasingly effective at protecting them against attacks and other hazards, and may also grant them additional benefits and abilities to aid them in their adventures.


In MudGate, as a character levels up, they may have the opportunity to acquire stronger and more powerful weapons. These weapons may have higher base damage, as well as additional abilities or enchantments that can enhance the character's abilities in combat.

The weapon class of a character's weapon is a measure of its power and effectiveness in combat. In MudGate, the maximum weapon class is 20, meaning that once a weapon reaches this level, it will have reached its maximum potential for dealing damage. However, even after reaching the maximum weapon class, the quality of the bonuses on the weapon can still increase as the character levels up, making the weapon more powerful overall.

At higher levels, the character may also have the chance to find more exotic damage types on their weapons, such as elemental damage or life drain. These types of damage can be particularly effective against certain types of enemies, and can give the character an edge in combat.

Additionally, at higher levels, the character may also have access to better off-hand weapons, such as shields or off-hand weapons that deal additional damage. These can be useful for characters who specialize in dual wielding or who prefer to use a shield for added defense.

Overall, as a character levels up in MudGate, their weapon will become increasingly powerful and effective in combat, with the potential for additional damage types and off-hand options to enhance their abilities.

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